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Martin Logan Neolith, le casse elettrostatiche ibride

Prendete le Martin Logan Statement Evolution 2, unitele alle Monolith della stessa azienda, frullate bene e... ecco le casse elettrostatiche ibride Neolith.


Prendete le Martin Logan Statement Evolution 2, unitele alle Monolith della stessa azienda, frullate bene e… ecco le casse elettrostatiche ibride Neolith.

Presentate lo scorso maggio al MOC, cominciano a fare capolino sui mercati internazionali le casse acustiche elettrostatiche ibride Martin Logan Neolith.

Si tratta della sintesi della ricerche che hanno portato alla realizzazione dei modelli Statement Evolution 2 e Monolith, queste ultime risalenti al 1983.

Le Martin Logan Neolith usano un trasduttore elettrostatico da 56×122 cm con una superficie radiale del 35% più ampia di quanto ottenuto con le Statement Evolution 2. Per ovviare alla cronica carenza di bassi delle casse elettrostatiche, le Neolith montano un woofer da 31 cm (in id-woofer, in verità).

Martin Logan dichiara che le Neolith sono in grado di scendere fino a 23 Hz!!!

Single wire o bi-amp: la scelta è all’utente, che sarà in grado di pilotare in scioltezza questi diffusori sia con amplificatori allo stato solido, sia valvolari.

Il prezzo è importante almeno tanto quanto questa realizzazione e sfiora i 70.000 euro.

Caratteristiche tecniche diffusori Martin Logan Neolith

  • Frequency Response: 23 ÷ 22,000 Hz ±3 dB
  • Horizontal Dispersion: 30°
  • Vertical Dispersion: 122 cm line source
  • High Frequency Transducer: XStat™ CLS™ electrostatic transducer
  • Panel Dimensions: 121.9 × 55.9 cm
  • Radiating Area: 6,814 cmq
  • Low Frequency Transducer: Rear: 38.1cm cast basket, high excursion, rigid aluminum cone with extended throw drive assembly. Extensively vented triple shorting ring motor and 4-layer coil to eliminate compression and distortion
  • Front: 30.5 cm round cast aluminum alloy frame, high excursion, rigid carbon fiber sandwich cone with long throw design, 7.5 cm diameter copper-clad aluminum flat wire voice coil, and vented pole piece and under-spider opening to reduce power compression
  • Sensitivity: 90 dB/2.83 volts/meter
  • Impedance: Nominal 4 ohms, 0.43 ohms @ 20 kHz. Compatible with 4, 6, or 8 Ohm rated amplifiers
  • Recommended Amplifier Power: 20‒1300 watts per channel
  • Crossover Frequency: 60, 250, 400 Hz
  • Components: High-Pass Crossover 1% resistors mounted to heat sinks, polypropylene capacitors, air core inductors, dual toroidal audio transformers to drive electrostatic element; Low-Pass Crossover 1% resistors mounted to heat sinks, toroidal inductors, supports user options to modify sound output via jumpers
  • Bass Control: 0 dB, –4 dB, –8 dB
  • Distance Control:3 meters (or less), 4 meters, 5 meters (or greater)
  • LED intensity control: On, Dim, Off
  • Cabinet: Phenolic Resin Polymer. Dense substrate with superb mechanical strength to minimize cabinet vibrations caused by woofer cone motion counter forces to provide an ideal baffle for the electrostatic panel and woofers
  • Inputs: WBT-0705Ag nextgen™ 5-way bi-wire binding posts feature a filigree signal conductor made from fine silver for high conductivity. Fully insulated for CE and IEC conformity providing shock hazard protection. Free from eddy current effects. Max constant current 30 A, admissible peak current 200 A. Outer metal cap with palladium plated finish
  • Power Draw: Standby 1 W each; Max 15 W each
  • Weight: 175 kg
  • Dimensions: 189.9 × 76.9 × 87 cm

Produttore: MARTIN LOGAN

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